Monday, June 28, 2010

You won't die tomorrow

I have recently realized I have had it up to here(several inches above my head) hearing about the latest facts on food, eating and EXERCISE.

You are supposed to use EVOO(extra virgin olive oil) for better health....ummm, except when cooking at high heat, except if you dislike the taste in baking(spoiled brat you), etc, etc. You are absolutely not to touch butter, the bane of mankind in the fats world. At least that is what everyone making money on those hydrogenated margarine's, 'earth' friendly soy blends, and 50/50 mix would have you believe so they can sell you a higher profit item whether it really is better for you or not. 'Don't eat sugar', 'don't use too much salt', 'Eat This, Not That'! Sports drinks are being marketed to make you believe there's nothing better to 'replace' what the body looses during exercise even though they are full of sugar and salt. I think I'll stick to real food thanks, the kind that grows on trees and in my garden and the stuff I make from scratch.

The same goes for what you eat. Indulging in oversalted fast food aside, having something fried in fat keeps your body satiated and you get to indulge in one of life's truly satisfying flavors and textures, fried food.  We had the most amazing Italian Rice Balls recently and one person didn't 'eat fried foods' so they choose not even to taste it. Your missed chance at a moment of pleasure my friend. The thing is is to be smart. Don't go to the Sushi house every night if you don't know when to stop. It goes with anything you eat. You have tastebuds and senses for a reason, to tell you what not to eat and when to stop when your full. Its up to you to hear what your body says.

I know I have to exercise! There is no other way to say it so I am saying it now! Quit showing us how to do the most boring exercise known to man, chair raises, on morning TV and get down and do some real reporting. You call yourselves a morning news show and you just spout about the latest affordable jacket at $450 and the next recipe in the 'Eat This Not That' cookbook for only the 7th time this year along with Lindey Lohans latest antics with the courts. Why don't you do a little investigative reporting. Go down to Louisiana and really show whats going on. Why are there no real footage of the cities and the businesses effected coming out of that area? Are we all so tired of hearing about the problems the south is having we think they'll go away by just ignoring them? My idea of exercise is to pick up a shovel or a rake or til some earth or pull some weeds. Get in touch with this land we need to preserve. It is literally the last thing we have left after the economic demise that is clearly evident by now. If you deny it you are not watching or reading the right things. I am amazed at the stories I see on the international channels. People showing others how to farm, people helping others with no commercial agency propped behind them to soak up the glory, people laughing and running even though they don't have any shoes on their feet yet most Amercians own 10 or more pairs of shoes, and many more examples showing life and not the American dream version which is being lived tied down to a television set.

So I guess what I am saying is, 'You won't die tomorrow' if you eat a few scoops of ice cream this year, or you taste use a little butter with breakfast on Sunday mornings, and you skip that exercise just this time so you can go out to watch the sunset while eating Chinese food. Let's get back to basics and live a little.

The best frugal living advice I can give you is best said in the following quotes:

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”~Mahatma Gandhi

“Live as you would have wished to live when you are dying”~Christian Furchtegott Gellert

Carpe Diem~Seize the Day!

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